
Plays a part in a play
Plays a part in a play

plays a part in a play

(16) The provision of measures to accommodate the needs of disabled people at the workplace plays an important role in combating discrimination on grounds of disability.The European Parliament was able to play an important role in the discussions on treaty reform both with respect to the discussions themselves and in regard to public provision.The provision of measures to accommodate the needs of disabled people at the workplace plays an important role in combating discrimination on grounds of disability.Innovation can play an important role in reducing dependence on external energy sources by enabling diversification of the energy mix.Intrastat, the data collection system for goods trade within the European Union, plays an important role in compiling statistics on foreign trade.I call here on Parliament to also play an important role in exerting pressure on the Member States to get them to adopt this directive in principle.We will ensure that the applicant countries continue to play an important role in discussions on matters of mutual interest and common concern.The European Union can play an important role in this sector on the global market.

plays a part in a play plays a part in a play

  • He said that the EU would continue to play an important role on the world stage citing the WTO talks.
  • He will not, however, disappear off the European political scene, but will continue to play an important role on it.
  • The majority of the European public wants the EU to play an important role on the international stage.
  • play an important role in combined transport,.
  • The European Parliament will play an important role in this respect.
  • Standard licences that are available online may also play an important role in this respect.
  • In many border regions EURES cross-border partnerships play an important role in developing a genuine European labour market.
  • These CD4 cells play an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system to help fight infection.
  • Enterprises' production patterns play an important role in sustainable development.
  • Education and training programmes also play an important role in introducing alternative cultivation practices.
  • Ecological sustainability will play an important role in competitiveness in future.
  • Early warning systems can play an important role in detecting irregularities.
  • Embedded generators play an important role in the electricity market.
  • Gonadotrophins play an important role in human fertility and reproduction.
  • The European political parties play an important role in politics at European level.
  • The national film archives play an important role in preserving our film heritage.
  • Cultural organisations play an important role in promoting European culture and cultural co-operation.
  • Fitters and workshops play an important role in the security of tachographs.
  • Social partners play an important role in promoting entrepreneurship and education.
  • They play an important role in combating financial exclusion.
  • National authorities can also play an important role in evaluating the impact of reforms already undertaken.
  • Non-governmental organisations recognised by the Member State can play an important role in providing assistance and support to victims.
  • Farmers in the EU can play an important role in meeting society's expectations.
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    plays a part in a play

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    Plays a part in a play